Monday, January 12, 2009

we're still alive!

SO! we are still alive and well. Washington has thrown all it had up it's sleeve at us(feet of snow, ice, torrential rain, Floods) and we are still here and loving it. NOT looking forward to the day we say our goodbyes to our lovely northwest, but it will soon come. We love family, friends and familiarity and have been overcome with it since we arrived. There's nothing like driving down the road that you grew up on and feeling like you know every curve and dip and speed limit. being able to see everyone I want when I want to, is a luxury more people should be able to enjoy and take advantage of. I can't wait to share all my memories of my trip with my Grand Forks friends, and see my sweet husband whom I miss so much. It seems that with each deployment I get used to it more, and more independant, yet I miss him more each time. Anyway, we still have some time left here in WA, and we will max out each moment! more posts to come when I am bored back in ND! :)