Thursday, August 28, 2008

so today was a hard day to be a 3 year old boy. it was very hard to obey mommy and not be defiant. I'm carrying a wooden spoon in the car now. That being said, I did get a cute book moment out of today. He said to me that he was going to go work on his "com-pyew-ter" (he says each syllable with emphasis) and then he was going to go downstairs and play cars. he said "now, be sad for a little bit when I go, ok? bye bye" all the while cradling my face. what a cutie. lastnight was one for the books too, he had gotten out of bed after I put him down, and when I walked him back upstairs to bed I noticed some marking on the wall near his door. I asked him what it was, and he looked away all ashamed. I told him it was ok, he could tell me. He said "'s just poop, from yesterday." it was a brown line about 12" long and then a nice round cirle about 8" in diameter. he said "see? a circle!" nice....

Monday, August 25, 2008

the weekend

We had an awesome weekend. Max and I were able to get a babysitter (our good friend Erin) and go out for our anniversary! We had dinner at a restraunt in town then headed to the historical district for drinks and dessert and a bit of gambling and dancing. i say historical district, it's actually the old part of town and it consits of really just 2 streets about 3 block long of some old buildings. VERY extremely tiny, but still a change of scene from us new town dwellers. Max and I went to a place called crosstown to play pool and blackjack. I am pretty horrible at both, but I still had a great time. I had a margarita, and max tried to show me how to play blackjack but i just kept making the decisions before I heard his advice, so I lost my $10 pretty quickly. next it was on to a restraunt close by that we had smores (marshmallows toasted on long skewers served with raspberry and chocolate sauces and grahm crackers). next was on to level 10 a little martini bar. It felt like we had walked through the door and into another city. pretty trendy place, modern decor, techno music, that sort. we danced and had a malibu and pineapple, then it was time to head home to our sad little asher. we knew the whole time he was pretty much just crying while we were gone. we got there and he was almost asleep, then upon seeing us quickly became the happy as a clam and hamming it up boy we know. he was laughing and smiling and charming us all in no time. all this at 11:30 pm. what a fun night. Max got me a new mattress for our anniversary, I got him some new Rock and Republic jeans which he looks amazing in! the rest of the weekend we just hung out, went to the park, took a nice walk/trike ride, saw some grasshoppers, and played in the yard. It has gotten so much cooler this week and it feels like summer is over for this year. I have enjoyed it, though the weather is so extreme we were outside everyday this summer. not looking forward to the long winter ahead, but I am feeling that itching feeling that it's going to be moving time soon. I can just feel it. maybe we'll find out in the next few months. meanwhile I will keep praying for Spokane.... here's a vid of brighton and asher giggling to me making faces at them.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

beautiful Wednesday

good morning! It's a beautiful Wednesday morning in grand forks. A possible storm on the horizon, and I must admit I do like a mid afternoon, electrical storm in the heat. something about all that wind and darkness in the middle of what was once a hot and sunny summer day. this morning has been a bit rough from brighton, he woke up at about 8 and by 8:30 he had already smashed his nose into the footboard corner of my bed, AND fell off the couch bonking his head on the coffee table. both incidents resulting in howling crying which of course bled over to asher who sympathy cried, both times, with his impossible to resist huge glassy eyes, giant lower lip and "bwab, bwab!" sad blubbering.

Monday, August 18, 2008

brighton being crazy with asher

first post

ok, so I am not the best at keeping things like this up. So, that being said I will **try** to keep postings on the boys and our family as current as possible. I was just thinking that this might be a good way for family to be a fly on the wall of our lives a bit.