Thursday, October 16, 2008

my pumpkins

what a fun week we've had! The pic above is just so sweet to me! they both love the bath and asher especially since it usually involves a ton of drama surrounding the hair washing of his brother. For the most part i wash them first then just watch them play. asher hold some sort of toy and bangs it on the side of his bucket thing, or he'll sit down in it and cozy up in the warm water. bright pretends he's swimming or his naval fleet is sinking. not a ton of splashing is involved, thankfully.

we went to the pumpkin patch and brought home some pumpkins to carve up. Bright doesn't really know what halloween is, he thinks a pumpkin with a carved face is a "halloween". we aren't really in a hurry to explain it, after all, he doesn't really eat candy, and why start with all the hype and entitlement issues, right? I managed to snap a few good pics of my sweetie pies carving up some squash. As always I will send a snapfish album so you can see it in full. Bright was VERY excited to carve asking me every 5 mins or so if it was time to carve. but when it came time, he didn't want to have any involvement in the scraping of the insides, he wanted full creative control without the dirty work. Here's my cuties carving and asher chewing on a piece:

here's the final product Left to right (Brighton, max, asher, me):


Rebekah's Health and Fitness said...

So you started a blog and didn't tell me?! Looks like I have some catching up to do! :) Miss you!

Michelle Fry said...

Cute pics! I didn't know you blog, too! I saw the link on April's blog.