Monday, May 17, 2010

Cornish (courtney's) BFA Show 2010

MY SISTER GRADUATED FROM CORNISH!!! YAY! I am so proud of her and how her art and vision has evolved over the years. She is SO amazingly talented and I love her eye for simple meaningful moments in our lives and being able to capture them.
Her Show was Friday night May 14th, 2010. Elizabeth and I decided to take a trip to Isushi and chat until it was time to go, it was a fun date. we were able to chat one on one which is unusual since we usually have kids all around. The Show was in Seattle at the schools studios, which is just a building with 3 wall spaces for "studios". They transformed them all into a beautiful gallery setting, upstairs the walls were light blue, white and grey, downstairs was same, but then in an offshoot room was the "black room". It was THE place to be showing, it was the most gallery like of the whole place and very professional and nice looking. Court was in the further end of the room. Since it was black and anything besides the art was not well lit, it was quite hard to get a good photo of people. I managed to get some blurry ones, so you'll be able to get the feel of her space. here's the best one I could manage of her in her space.

Here's her pricing list, comment book and business cards. Also a sculpture piece (camera with moss) which I love and am VERY tempted to purchase:

This is the best photo I could get of her whole space:

Here's me checkin out the light table she built:

some cool peeps:

This piece was done with smoke on paper. Pretty amazing up close.

This piece was made up of tons of different angles of people's bodies.

these drawings are made of just graphite pencil on paper, and they're about as tall as bright is. really awesome.

besides court's stuff this might be one of my favorite pieces in the whole show.

Even Jim showed up!

My final sentiments:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bright's Birthday party!

Yesterday we celebrated bright's 5th birthday. He requested a few different presents for his birthday: Legos, robots, and buttercups. sweetie pie.
He ended up getting many legos and a few other great presents. As he opened each one he was so happy and excited. I was proud, there was not one "next" or "oh, it's just ____".
He requested a wallace and gromit birthday, with a wallace and gromit rocket cake. I had my work cut out. I love cooking so this was more of a fun challenge than work, so I really enjoyed it. it definately looks homemade, but Bright was so excited as he watched it take shape, he kept saying "yay! look at my cake!"

Here's the Rocket cake:

I also attempted a treat that I have made ebfore just in another shape for his 4th birthday (robot heads) and he loved them so much he asked for them again this year. I decided to make Gromit heads made from Oreo truffle center with white chololate coating and tootsie roll ears. it was time consuming, but super fun and rewarding to see my result.

ta da!

once everyone arrived we all sat outside because it was SO gorgeous! I was so happy to have a nice day with the kids playing outside, and all of us parents watching and chatting. it was so relaxing.
here's a group shot (nathaniel, jonna, elizabeth, ross, toby, coco, brian, hayley, and stella's hair in front of coco)

The kids all had a fun taking turns riding the sled behind the buggy and chasing the sled (you can see asher waving from the seat with grampa, that's what he did the entire time, waving and yelling "HI!!"). Rainy got on the buggy on her own at one point, and Ross took goldie on it for a short time.

we all sat chatting about nothing inparticular when suddenly one of the chickens decided Toby's head would be a good place to roost for a moment. Toby didn't think so.

After a while we hung the #5 pinata, and all the kids took turns hitting at it. It took all the kids taking 2 turns to get it open. The funniest to watch was Stella, she was so un coordinated: hitting at the air and almost hit some of the kids! most of the kids just found it right away and just whacked away. finally I just took the pinata and poured out the candy. they ran around crazy trying to find it all.

After that we played outside some more then had cake and opened presents. Coco's camera has the rest of the photos, so it will be a bit before I can get those. Bright was so grateful and happy the whole day. it was really nice to see all the kids get along so well and have a fun time. Honey, You were missed for sure. there wasn't 5 mins that went by without me wishing you were here to snuggle with under the tree, or to listen to your funny conversations with Ross and your bro, or to enjoy our sweet little bub together. Can't wait to see you.