Monday, October 18, 2010

calvin, is that you?

So Bright is on the very edge of being able to read whatever word is in front of him. he has a little ways to go, but still, he's a big boy! on one hand I want him to be able to read, on the other, I know it will mean I have ANOTHER max on my hands. all that means is, he'll pick up a book and I won't see him for days or until the book is finished. I am excited for that stage of Bright's life, and know that it will mean I won't be asked to play legos nearly as much. Anyway, he's been "reading" a lot of calvin and hobbes. he'll pick out words like "oh no!" and "AAAAAACCCKKK!" or things of that nature and he's pretty good at being able to tell what's going on in the comic just by looking at the pictures. oh, and it's about a boy with a HUGE imagination. Sound like a little boy you know? the similarities between my first born and calvin are endless.

Case in point:

If you look closely you can see on his Mayflower box he's written almost exactly what Calvin has written and in the same "font".
he was reading the comic strip and really thought it would be a good day to serve the public his special brew (aka, lemonade).
I may start reading more calvin in hopes to better understand what it is in my sweet boy that makes him snuggle me one second, and rumble down the hallway as a roaring monster truck, the next.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just after max visited for a week in june, the boys and I were invited to a dairy farm with some friends. we drove way out west not knowing what to expect. Not sure how I got lost, since it seemed like only one road and tons of grass, but I did. Before long I figured out where I was and found my way to Spokane's Family Farm.
upon arriving we had a little lunch on some hay bales.

The Woman who runs the farm took us all on a tour and showed off her sweet kid loving animals. Here's a donkey, he even followed us around after all that petting.

Asher and bub braved the crowd and looked for eggs in the chicken coop. no luck.

This beautiful rooster was standing guard nearby. isn't he gorgeous?

Next were the horses. Everyone was feeding them and by the time it was our turn, the horses were full and uninterested. I this one felt sorry for my boys as he came over and politely nibbled. Asher was a tad unsure, so he only held out on blade of grass in an effort to look less desirable. this only made his fingers look yummier, and the horse gave them a taste. Asher wasn't bothered much, just annoyed his fingers were "wet".

We saw some cows out to pasture, and this is where a few were coming over to say hi.
asher was saying "gwoss, smewlls gwoss. jus gwoss"

And here's our last photo. After this was taken the boys had a melt down and we left shortly after. the tour was great, but a lot of it was eduacational for the parents benefit, and the kids got tired. this was taken in the milking area. Bright said "there's lotsa tubes and stuff"

Monday, October 4, 2010

June happenings

I know, once again I have let this blog go un-updated and I feel awful. mostly because it's max's way of keeping up with us. Consistency is not something I am very good at.

June was a month filled with happenings! The boys and I moved into our new home, though it was without max (and our household goods!) we were still very excited.
I picked up some temporary furniture, cooking utensils, and such from ikea and goodwill. I was loaned several other items from family and good friends, so I was able to set up house in a campy sort of way.

Max cam for a short visit in early june. we packed as many visits with friends and family as we could, and made sure to have some quality "us" time as well.
here is bright playing with one of his besties, Maddeck, Kyle and Laura's boy.

We all spent a day shopping for a bicycle for Brighton. he had a good time picking out his new bike and Toy Story helmet and knee pads.
Here he is trying it all out for the first time.

We have a huge field on the opposite side of the street from us belonging to a middle school. Max and the boys decided to play some ball.

Asher found a box, and played in it. he's like a kitten that way.

We also took trip a down to Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane. the squirrels were hungry so we obliged.

They also have rides there. here were are excited to ride. aren't we cute? and naive?

And this is when I imagined us all falling to our deaths.

a 2 year old in a rickety old ferris wheel chair with no seatbelt, flailing around in the air.not the greatest idea I've ever had. I must point out that we stayed up there while loading other passengers, so my little mind was going nuts for the longest 60 seconds ever. the did let us out, but not before "letting" us go around 2 more times. nice.

An end to a wonderful day. My loves: