Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today we took a little family outing to the Northern Lights Model Train Society. It is a group of several grandaddy types from around the area who like to collect and run model trains. we drove to East Grand Forks, MN (10 mins from our house) and found the address. it was in a weird little building with no visable access, broken and what looks like a new addition being added. all that to say asher and I had to climb all over the construction to get in, and it looked like there wasn't anything in this little portable building. inside was what bright would consider heaven:

Here he is making sure everyone is doing it right:

The happiest boy in town!

P.S. I'll send out a snapfish soon with all of these and more! be on the lookout!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

new pics

here's a couple of cute pics from the day I cut brighton's hair. he's probably the cutest boy to ever eat an apple, my little emo. max was in japan the week before last, and he just got back from cali yesterday. The cali trip was the first for him being an Aircraft Commander! yay! he's in charge now, watch out!

Monday, September 22, 2008

cute book

so as bright has been growing up I have created a book of cute little sayings of his, questions, and general cuteness. since max took the camera with him this week to cali, I can't post pics, so I will post some cute book entries.
in the car on the way home from church.
Bright: hey, i'm gonna, ummm, tell you guys a story,k? ok, once there was a goat and a kid. the end.
last week:
bright: mama, my noodles are too hot.
me: do you want me to cool them off
bright: no, just cold them. lemme just cold them. (he blows on the noodles)
me: good job cooling them off.
Bright: no, I'm colding them.

April 2008
Brighton came upstairs and said: "mama, I gotta show you sufin. see it's a frosting." it was actually a cake mix in the box. then he said, "isn't it just cute? it's so frosting!'
I think I will use that word when something is cool "it's SO frosting!"

so there's a few gems. Asher has yet to say anything cute, but the looks he makes are priceless. plus he's turning into a little drama man like brighton. pretty funny to see him get so worked up then the second I pick him up he's smiling and snuggling his head into my houlder or neck. sweetie pie....

Friday, September 5, 2008

new things this week!

YAY! we're coming home for a visit! I bought tickets this week and we are booked for a nice long trip home for the holidays and for some good family time. Nov 12th-Jan 28th to be exact! I am so excited to spend lots of time with everyone, and for being able to get some breathing room from the boys (just enough to recharge) I have lots of ideas for fun things to do, and as always I look forward to christmas. It's by far my favorite holiday. I love the decorating, the food, the lights the music, and THE SHOPPING. The first (and second) video below is of bright "reading" the poem about the alphabet. the other is asher escaping out the door. yesterday he started rolling off of things like our's are just made of cartilage right? now he can roll around every where and you can tell he thinks it's really fun. the boys this week have been as cute as ever. we started awana at our church. I am a helper in bright's "cubbies" class. he was so cute playing with the other kids and singing the cubbie sing, father abraham, and the lord's army. asher is getting more mobile. here's some vids taken this week.