Friday, September 5, 2008

new things this week!

YAY! we're coming home for a visit! I bought tickets this week and we are booked for a nice long trip home for the holidays and for some good family time. Nov 12th-Jan 28th to be exact! I am so excited to spend lots of time with everyone, and for being able to get some breathing room from the boys (just enough to recharge) I have lots of ideas for fun things to do, and as always I look forward to christmas. It's by far my favorite holiday. I love the decorating, the food, the lights the music, and THE SHOPPING. The first (and second) video below is of bright "reading" the poem about the alphabet. the other is asher escaping out the door. yesterday he started rolling off of things like our's are just made of cartilage right? now he can roll around every where and you can tell he thinks it's really fun. the boys this week have been as cute as ever. we started awana at our church. I am a helper in bright's "cubbies" class. he was so cute playing with the other kids and singing the cubbie sing, father abraham, and the lord's army. asher is getting more mobile. here's some vids taken this week.

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