Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Asher's Birthday

No comment on how old this post is.

Asher's Birthday!! he's "s'ree" years old! Lala gave him a book. Correction, LaLa gave him a HUGE book. it's a classic and Bright wasted no time in settling in with Asher and reading it to him. he's still working on some big words but for the most part, he did it all on his own. I actually didn't even know it was happening until I walked into the room and stumbled upon this sweetness:

At asher's party I got tons of help! Rainy expertly frosted the rainbow cupcakes! She was so exacting and patient with each swipe of the knife, you'd think she was a pastry chef! Thankfully the cupcakes were as tasty as they were pretty and I think they will make a few more appearances at my boys birthday's in the future.

The finished product:

Then we got a surprise, Gran and Grandad showed up! It was really nice to sit and visit with them! Lala and Gran sat and looked at pictures and chatted for a while, and I was able to sneak a picture in:

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