Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Science Boy

Bright is a science lover. It's one more nail in the "Nerd" coffin for him, and I LOVE it. He is so fascinated with all things science related: how things grow and change, cause and effect, making up a hypothesis and then testing the theory; and, of course, anything gross.
So when there was a science class at the children's museum entitled "Owl Pellet dissection" I signed up immediately! I got a sitter for Asher so Bub and I could go and enjoy it together just me and him. there were two former elementary school teachers that do these little science classes for the kids there, and they were both so sweet. First the passed around taxidermied bit and pieces of different birds.

Bub got to feel the different types of wings. Some made for only flying and some made for flying silently (owls and other birds of prey) the feather differences were vast. then feet were passed around, big claws for the birds of prey and little soft ones for song birds and non raptors.

Then we talked about what the different kinds of things that birds eat and how they are digested. VERY cool things :)
Bright was completely enthralled.
Soon it was time for owl poop, er...pellets.

Bright was very concerned with "yucky things" so he wanted gloves and glasses. He also thought it made him look more scientist like. All of this soon came off as it hindered his "work".
we used little tools to pull apart the "matter" and found bits and pieces of a mouse and a vole. it was pretty neat. it satisfied Brights love of gross things, and of unearthing interesting things.
(the carnage)

next we sorted the bones and teeth to figure out what kind of animals our owl ate.

detective Bub on the scene.

I love his little growing mind. he comes up with so many great ideas; full of wonder and amazement with our natural world. I think what I love the most, is that he's so quick to bring it all back to the Lord. Saying things like, "isn't it cool that God made hummingbirds so FAST, ma?!?!" or "why do you think God made worms so gross?"
I love my Bub.

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