Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day!

IT's father's Day here in the states, but for Max it's already June 22nd. The day AFTER father's day. It makes me feel dense, and lame for not remembering that he's a day ahead especially when I spoke to him yesterday and didn't mention it. and I always feel totally small when I realize I need to remember to be better about those things(sending packages, emails, good phone convo topics) while he's deployed. He's such a great daddy to our boys and I can't wait to see him in action as we continue to add to our family. He's been an excellent provider, taking care of us financially and is so good at handling it that I feel 200% secure with his decisions in that area. He spends time with the boys and knows just what his little dudes love, and knows just how to make them laugh. WE miss you honey! We can't wait to snuggle up with you when we are all in our cozy home together again.

What a daddy!

1 comment:

The Strongs said...

Love your post. Can't wait for Max to be home with you again soon.