Monday, June 15, 2009

some photos for max

Max was deployed on june 1st. The boys and I trekked over to WA to hang out while he's gone. We have been having a marvelous time. The boys especially. Max asked for some pictures of our adventures so here are a few, since it takes so long to upload, we'll see how many I actually get op here! Here's Asher sitting on the river bank. it was hot ('bout 95) and we went down to the VERY icey cold river to cool down. no one swam but we took turns daring eachother to sit in the shallow water. it was freezing! Asher enjoyed getting muddy and Bright liked throwing rocks. this picture shows a bit of the beautiful river landscape we got to enjoy. here's the squinter:

Poppa Jim and Bright found a HUGE moth that was Brown and pink. really pretty and pretty weird. bright tried to pick it up so it flew to the nasturtiums in front of the gordon's house (they are famous for those nasturtiums (no evidence of flowers in these pic however)!

here's the cutie pie:

We got some chickens to keep at my parents while I am here, we want some yummy home grown eggs and all that so we looked up on craigslist and found some laying hens that were ready. this chicken farmer in Orting had all sorts of animals wondering around his farm. We found a horse in the barn and asher was in love! he kept kissing it and wanting to hug it and pet it. here he is petting it at about 90 miles an hour as you can tell by his blurry hand in the photo.

We picked out a few chickens but our favorite is this little teen girl, a buff colored Orpington. she's just the sweetest and our most favorite of the bunch. she's at home right in the middle of the boys being crazy, which is amazing, and she's so snuggly. She won't struggle to get free of your arms at all. she seems to just cuddle up and fall asleep, happy to be held for hours on end. here she is at the boys construction site.

Asher wants to hold her so bad.

this last one is of bright pulliing asher in the "train" he says he's the big strong engine. sweetie.

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