Sunday, February 7, 2010

Asher's Birthday

Asher is 2! He's knee deep in defiance and tantrums, and we couldn't love him more. his favorite phrases are "hold mama" and "ree ree hung-ee, mama" (really hungry) and of course, "no" is a favorite. Time outs are becoming more of a common thing and he's very dramatic when he is angry, often throwing cars down on the ground, and screaming through a clenched jaw (red face and all). surprisingly he's good at sharing, as long as you give him a minute to part with the toy (a hug and kiss for the toy)
Favorite past times: playing cars and trains, what else? he's typically obsessed with Thomas and friends, something bright passed on. His favorite toy is his "lady" train whom he calls "own lady" because it's his own.
For his birthday we decided to do a small family thing on the actual date, then a friends party on saturday. He's got a few friends from the church nursery, and both studies I go to, so I thought he'd have fun having them on his turf.I made cupcakes and adult type appetizers, we had balloons and streamers (most of which were ruined or on the floor by the time friends came over) and his new veggie tales cd was playing.

before i show pics of the party I wanted to share these photos. there's a ton. but they are all a physical expression of what (I think) is in a toddler's mind. These were all taken in about 1.5 minutes while he sat in his high chair, post-cupcake.











So that's our stinker. those photos pretty much sum up each and every day for me. A rollercoaster of epic emotional feelings. can't wait to share them all with you when we come "home".

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