Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Asher's Birthday

No comment on how old this post is.

Asher's Birthday!! he's "s'ree" years old! Lala gave him a book. Correction, LaLa gave him a HUGE book. it's a classic and Bright wasted no time in settling in with Asher and reading it to him. he's still working on some big words but for the most part, he did it all on his own. I actually didn't even know it was happening until I walked into the room and stumbled upon this sweetness:

At asher's party I got tons of help! Rainy expertly frosted the rainbow cupcakes! She was so exacting and patient with each swipe of the knife, you'd think she was a pastry chef! Thankfully the cupcakes were as tasty as they were pretty and I think they will make a few more appearances at my boys birthday's in the future.

The finished product:

Then we got a surprise, Gran and Grandad showed up! It was really nice to sit and visit with them! Lala and Gran sat and looked at pictures and chatted for a while, and I was able to sneak a picture in:

Science Boy

Bright is a science lover. It's one more nail in the "Nerd" coffin for him, and I LOVE it. He is so fascinated with all things science related: how things grow and change, cause and effect, making up a hypothesis and then testing the theory; and, of course, anything gross.
So when there was a science class at the children's museum entitled "Owl Pellet dissection" I signed up immediately! I got a sitter for Asher so Bub and I could go and enjoy it together just me and him. there were two former elementary school teachers that do these little science classes for the kids there, and they were both so sweet. First the passed around taxidermied bit and pieces of different birds.

Bub got to feel the different types of wings. Some made for only flying and some made for flying silently (owls and other birds of prey) the feather differences were vast. then feet were passed around, big claws for the birds of prey and little soft ones for song birds and non raptors.

Then we talked about what the different kinds of things that birds eat and how they are digested. VERY cool things :)
Bright was completely enthralled.
Soon it was time for owl poop, er...pellets.

Bright was very concerned with "yucky things" so he wanted gloves and glasses. He also thought it made him look more scientist like. All of this soon came off as it hindered his "work".
we used little tools to pull apart the "matter" and found bits and pieces of a mouse and a vole. it was pretty neat. it satisfied Brights love of gross things, and of unearthing interesting things.
(the carnage)

next we sorted the bones and teeth to figure out what kind of animals our owl ate.

detective Bub on the scene.

I love his little growing mind. he comes up with so many great ideas; full of wonder and amazement with our natural world. I think what I love the most, is that he's so quick to bring it all back to the Lord. Saying things like, "isn't it cool that God made hummingbirds so FAST, ma?!?!" or "why do you think God made worms so gross?"
I love my Bub.

Friday, February 18, 2011

a hike in the cold

Last week we went for a hike. It was actually a park, with picnic benches and lots of nice little walking trails, even a campground. it was so pretty and right next to the river. we parked in the lot and walked down a few of the trails. I was picturing hiking with VIEWS of the river; much like most seattle area hikes are next to a creek or river but there's not much access. not this one. we were RIGHT there. RIGHT next to the raging-with-snowmelt-river, which made it so enticing for little boys. I took one look at this:

and decided we wouldn't be crossing. I was told there were tons of hiking trails on the other side, but when I took a closer look at the other side (thinking maybe I would talk myself into crossing if they looked good) I noticed they were snowed and iced over still (dang it).
well the boys and I checked it out anyway but decided to stay on the side we were on. aren't they the cutest little hikers?

I love bright's boots in that photo.

Here's bright scaling a huge lava flow "mountain" (if you click on the photo you can see an enlarged version)

what we saw on our hike:
a big stripey rock

A cute Asher and a "mountain"

A very chill deer, just hanging out.

I can't wait to go back to the park in the summer when the river is less ragey and the trails are prime.

After we hiked we stopped at a diner. it was set up in an antique rail car. I was sure I had the place figured out before I got in there (greasy spoon, nasty coffee, dirty diner decor) I was wrong! and glad.
here's a photo of our booth, you can see the cool old stained glass window and the wood was all glossy and dark, the lighting was the original 1905 light fixtures updated with energy efficient bulbs (yay), walls adorned with photos of it in its prime.

the boys got some pancakes which were surprisingly tasty, I got some coffee-nasty but a nice warm up after our 30 degree hike.
here're the boys out in front. they were so excited to eat in a REAL train!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The seaside

A few weeks ago, we visited my folks and decided to head out to Point Defiance Zoo. After much hype and build up, we arrived in the parking lot to discover it was closed. A huge bummer for the boys after driving for an hour. Near the Zoo is a beach and park, so we hit it up. It was loaded with people, dogs, families and combers. I didn't think we'd have a too exciting time, however, while looking in a crack of cement at a former boat launch, I found this little guy:

we were poking him and passing him around a bit,

then my aunt found another one

The thousands of sticky,tiny little "feet" on the bottom were so tickle-y.

Coco was there too, isn't she so pretty?

we harassed them enough and tossed them into the water to escape being eaten by the many dogs that were out for walks

Me and my cuties

Though cloudy and a tad cold, it was a beautiful "Seattle" day


When I found out I was having a boy, I was worried about things like this.

And this:

definitely about this:

Those poor critters didn't stand a chance.

I really thought we'd be surrounded by girls and I would spend my time with my kids painting nails and playing barbies; instead, we have snakes and legos in the play room, we're going to a monster truck show this weekend, and I couldn't be more excited.

Monday, January 3, 2011

This post is mainly a diary type entry. nothing about our boys, decor other cool amazing thing that I feel the need to share with you will be posted here. please skip this one if you're not interested in my brain's garbage. thanks.

(this may or may not be my brain)

SO this week I got some troubling news. it involves an unexpected phone call during a busy part of my day. it caused me to stop and really ponder some things: how I handle stress, what I do when I am anxious, and what's really at the root of these feelings when news of this sort comes my way. I have had lots of distressing news/events in the last few years. some of the things happening to me, around me, or in the lives of people who are very close to me(thus affecting me). Not sure if I am feeling nostalgic and reflective because it's the new year, and I can't help but be reflective during Christmas and New Year's, or if it's my minds way of telling me to start dealing with it all, purge it, and to move on.
I like to discuss and analyze with my friends, and then re-discuss and re-analyze. If you've ever helped me out with a problem, you've witnessed this first hand. but mostly you've gotten sick of talking about my issue, problem, friends problem, conflict, conflict resolution, or other such drama; and I love you just the same :)

I find that I don't often physically show stress, maybe in my face,

but I generally don't freak out and get all angry. I find that in times of extreme stress I just get quiet, and try to inwardly figure out a solution. this usually ends up in me getting super anxious and I begin to feel a burden of how can I do this alone.
As I reflect today, I'm reminded of the one who can help, who can ease all burdens, who is the answer to all questions. I would say I have a healthy prayer life, and am so glad that I have the Lord to turn to in times of worry, stress, anxiety, or anger; but also in times of joy, appreciation and happiness. like my theme song for this year: Blessed be the name of the Lord. It's just SO true!!
I love that praying really is communication; a conversation with our creator.

(I always talk to God on a headset)

the same one who invented me, and the formula for me, the one who CREATED me (sorry, sometimes it blows my mind!). There are times when I have to remind myself of this, HE made no mistakes when he made me, it was my sin that caused my problems and all my special little neuroses. He knows all about what's going on and he's probably laughing at my little way of "dealing" with it. He knows he'll hear from me again and again (and again, and...) about it. the best part: he still loves me.
I know that He is waiting to hear from me about the news of this week, and most of all hoping I trust in him, and his perfect plan. I know all about His perfect timing, and am so blessed to be able to glorify him to others through the story of my recent miscarriage.
So, because it's the new year, instead of resolving to be thinner, younger looking, work harder, or make more time, I will be working on trusting the Lord, and being less selfish when it comes to prayer, and my interactions with others. If you're stil reading this, thanks for "listening".