Thursday, July 2, 2009

Last week we took the boys to Remlinger farms. They have TONS of things to do for kids ages 4+. Lots of goats, rabbits, chickens, peacocks, and turkeys in various areas of the park for kids to harass. There were rides perfect for bright's age; a small roller coaster, a train that goes around the park, a track with pedal bikes to ride on, and even a hay maze. There's lots more to do but I won't bore ya. check out their website and definately take your kids if you can, the puppet show is worth the drive alone. It was the perfect day to take the boys, sunny but not blazing hot about 73 and gorgeous. The first thing we did was let bright ride on the canoe ride. he liked it. It was his initiation into amusement rides. I think it was the perfect one to ease him into as he is VERY wary of things of that nature.
here he is still unsure, but 100% willing to hop in alone.

and here he is having so much fun in his " 'lil boat"!

"The train's comin', mama"

in this photo you can see we're on the train, but we're looking at the old timey car ride in the background as well as the little farm type buildings that house the turkeys and peacocks. Asher LOVED the old timey car ride.

Asher getting to ride the big (stationary) tractor.

GOATS! Asher just adored these guys. he was squealing with joy each time he touched one.

Ok I am having trouble with blogger now, so I will upload remaining photos after I go to the gym. Maybe things will have settled down by then!

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